Sunday, February 14, 2010

new stuff

I met a friend for coffee last week and as we were preparing to leave out of her handbag she whipped a fabric holder for her baby's nappies etc. You know something just big enough to fit in a couple of nappies, wetones etc and small enough to fit into your handbag. It was made of gorgeous fabrics, just funky enough for us groovy mums.

Even though it was not made from vintage fabric (they can be) it was still gorgeous and sometimes we all need something new and pretty! So at the weekend I decided to give it a go at making one myself. It is gorgeous I love it I hope you all do to.

Have a beautiful day


Sunday, February 7, 2010

My coffee wraps and singlets for tots

Here are my new creations using scrap vintage fabrics. Coffee wraps and appliques on baby singlets.
Have a beautiful day

Evandale Market

Well off Bella and I went to the market at 6.30 this morning, leaving Tilly with her dad. We got a great spot under the big trees. Which was perfect for when the sun came around in the late morning. But until then it was a tad bit chilly.

The morning started off slow but thanks to my wonderful friend Min loaning me a child mannequin (and a gorgeous green dress) it didn't take long for the lady across from me to purchase the green dress. Then 3 more were to be sold. It was very exciting, I think my husband was more excited though, I couldn't ask for a prouder husband! What makes the selling of my dresses so exciting is the fact that other people love them as much as I do. I mean the bit of extra cash I make is good but the making and selling is better. The atmosphere out there was so wonderful to it was lovely to spend the day there chatting to other stall holders and enjoying it all with my family.

Antony arrived mid morning with Mathilde and a few hours later we got a visit from Hazel and Maizie also. Oh and how could I forget my other little model, Cyrah who came for a visit. She loved that she could dump her jacket and baby doll in the back of my car while she had a look around with her mum, Shana. My coffee wraps did not prove to be as popular as I thought, nor were the baby singlets. I did give a couple of my wraps away to Eliza (Hazel and Maizies mum) and her partner Alistair. They were wrapped (pardon the pun haha) and went off to buy coffee and show them off.

Started to pack up at 1.30, before I left went and bought some more buttons and some baby singlets and onesies to do some more appliques. Oh and the lovely cupcake lady gave us a tray full of all her left over cupcakes. That was so wonderful of her, I in return gave her a couple of my wraps with a business card. Bella went over to another two stall holders and gave away coffee wraps and one gave me a zucchini. It was such a wonderful feeling trading our wares like that, I loved it!!!

So I guess this week I better get cracking. Op shopping to do searching for more pillowcases to make more dresses. Ordering new fabrics for Cassie in Italy who has put in an order for maternity style pillowcase tops and sewing on more appliques and making coffee wraps. Will keep you posted!

Have a beautiful day


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Evandale Market

Well I am off to the Evandale market this weekend 7th Feb. Not only am I going to be selling my dresses but I have also been making coffee wraps for your take away coffees. These all come in fabulous vintage fabrics also. They are priced at $5 and are very very funky your coffee should not be without one.

See you at the market

Have a beautiful day
